Why is my landing page URL not working?
Firstly, you must know how the landing page URL is constructed, let's take this URL for example https://paul.continual.ly/landing-page
https:// -> Is the secure HTTP over SSL protocol used for communication and to send data.
paul.continual.ly -> Is the Continually domain, this is set across all your team, all of your landing pages will start with it.
landing-page -> This is the page's slug, it is used to determine which page you want to load, you can set it per page.
You can preview the working URL of the landing page by clicking on the slug under the page's name or under the Custom domain column if you connected one.
If your URL doesn't work, here are some things to check:
No special characters
When you are editing your landing page URL you can only use lower case letters and numbers.
URL might be taken
Continually domain for the landing page is unique across our system, so the sub-domain you choose (e.g. paul.continual.ly) must be not taken by another user, and each page must have a unique slug (e.g. paul.continual.ly/landing-page
URL must be at least 2 characters
Trying to keep your URL short and sweet? Just remember the Continually domain must be at least 2 characters!
As for the page's slug, the minimum number of characters is one and the maximum is 190.