How to use custom fields to make your bots more personal
In this article, we will cover what a custom field is and how you can use them to improve make your bot's conversations more personal to your visitors.
In this article
What are custom fields?
Custom fields are simply fields that are used to store information from your visitors conversations.
We have default custom fields for the important information about your lead's like name, email and company name.
So for example, when you use a name object, we will store the answer given from your visitor in the @name custom field.
This stored name will then be displayed on the lead profile and you can use it in your bots conversation!
To use it in a conversation, add the @name custom field in your messages, so it would look like:
"Thank you @name"
But would be shown to your visitor as:
"Thank you David"
Creating and using custom fields
Continually will have default custom fields for name, email and company, but you can also create your own custom fields and store information in them.
Part 1 - Creating the custom field
In the bot builder, click the @ button to open your custom field panel.
On the Bots page, click the @ button to open your custom field panel.
Part 2 - Storing answers in your custom field
To store your visitors answers in your custom field, you have to click on the question object that you want to store the answer from

Part 3 - Using the stored answer from your custom field

Important note:
When you want to use a custom field in your message, you must select it from the list. Typing the custom field name will not work.
Setting fallback answers
A fallback answer is used when your custom field has no information stored to display.
So for example, if you set the fallback answer for the @name field to "there" and you use this custom field but have not captured your visitors name yet, it will look like this:
"Hello @name"
But would be shown to your visitor as:
"Hello there"
Text transformation
You can also transform the text on any answer that gets stored in your custom field.
For example, if you're capturing an email, you might want to make sure the visitor's answer is all lower case.
Or if you are capturing a name you might want to Capitalize the answer so that it is grammatically correct.
None: This is the default value, we will leave the value of the field as it is.
Capitalize: We will capitalize each word of the field's value.
UPPERCASE: Make all letters as uppercase.
lowercase: Make all letters as lowercase