What's the difference between a floating button and using my own?

About floating buttons

Floating buttons are a way to offer visitors a call-to-action that works well across most pages. The button to launch Continually appears on the bottom right-hand side of each page where you've installed the embed code.

Clicking on the icon opens your Continually bot.

The benefit of a floating button is that it is always there. If a website visitor can't find what they're looking for on the page or wants to jump straight to getting in touch it's a great way to make yourself available and accessible.

Use your own button

There are times when the content of the page leads naturally to a specific call-to-action, like request a demo or book an appointment.

When a user is on a journey that leads them to start a conversation, you can trigger your bot using a button on the page by adding the .continually class to the element.

The benefit of using your own button is if you want to control the placement of where you offer the option to get in touch. You can also control exactly how the button looks.

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