How to set live chat working hours

Your live chat availability can be controlled in two ways:

  • Checking availability of signed in agents 
  • Set fixed working hours for your company (Doesn't require the team to be signed in to appear as online)

How to set company working hours?

  1. Go to the Availability section in the Live Chat Settings
  2. Choose Set company's days & hours available in the Status detection settings. 
  3. Now set time zone and the hours you want to be shown as Online for your leads and visitors. 

Note: You can click on the + button to add more time slots.

You can set the working hours for each day individually or you can combine a few days that have the same settings. If you want to add a break in the working hours, add them in two slots. 

For example, let's assume your team works from Monday to Friday from 9 Am to 5 PM but you have a break from 2 PM to 3 PM. Your working hours should be from 9 AM to 2 PM, then you add another slot from 3PM to 5 PM. 

What if I am signed out?

Even if you are signed out, you will still be shown as Online during the working hours.

What will happen when I'm offline?

In your settings, you can choose to capture the lead's email/phone when you are offline, and you can choose to send automatic responses if you are offline as well. We will check your working hours and if you are outside the working hours we display a note above the message field for your visitors to say "We are currently offline, leave a message and we will get back ASAP". This helps your customers know not to expect and immediate response.

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