How to set your availability and keep control of your calendar

The thought of customers wildly booking meetings is not something you need to worry about. You can set your available days and hours, then we check your calendar to see if you have any available slots for your customers to book. This way you keep control and only offer time slots that suit.

There are lots of settings you can control which we will cover in this article:

How to set your available days and hours

Once you have connected your calendar go to your calendar setting. From here you can highlight which days you are available and the working hours for those days. You can also set which timezone you want these times to be taken from.

How to control the meeting length, notice period and meeting buffer

You can control how long and how often you want these meetings to occur. Once you have connected your calendar go to your calendar setting. Here you can customise each of these settings to make sure you get the meetings you want.

How to customise the calendar invite sent to your customers

Once a customer uses your chatbot and books a meeting, we will send them a calendar invite. On your calendar settings page, you can customise what we send to your customer.

How to use custom fields from the conversation in your calendar invite

You can reference answers by using custom fields in the description or in the subject of your calendar invite. 
There are three groups of fields, Custom Fields,  Visitor attributes (e.g. name, phone, country .. etc) stored from the lead’s data and  Agent's attributes (your name and company name). You can use these fields to write a more personalized invitation.
Simply click on @ symbol next to the subject box and the description box then click on the field you want to add.

Email notifications for new booked meetings 

We send you email notifications when a new lead books an appointment. We also send you an email notification to remind you of an upcoming appointment. To turn these on / off you need to go to your email & notification settings page and toggle them.

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