Integrate Continually chatbots with Autopilot
Want to synchronize your captured leads in Continually to your mailing list on Autopilot? You can integrate Continually to Autopilot through Zapier. You can send over all leads or leads from a certain bot to any list you have in Autopilot, keep reading to find out how.
Sync Continually leads with Autopilot
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Open Zapier, click Make a Zap and search for Continually as the first step. (If you can't find Continually in the app list then you need to connect it first).
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The Continually app has three triggers:
- Get Leads : Triggered when a new lead is captured.
- Get Appointments: Triggered when a new appointment is booked.
- Get Conversation: Triggered when a lead completes conversation.Choose your trigger and your Continually account. In this example we picked the Get Conversation trigger.
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Finally, test your trigger to get a sample data.
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- In the action step, search for Autopilot and select it, then pick the action event you want to execute. In this example we will use the Add Contact To List.
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- Connect AutoPilot account, you need the AutoPilot key which can be obtained from the Zapier settings page on Autopilot.
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- Map the Continually fields to Autopilot fields, then test the zap and turn it on.