Campaign Monitor: How to connect Continually with Campaign Monitor

Integrate Continually with Campaign Monitor and send leads captured on Continually over to your Campaign Monitor lists.

In this article we will cover:

How to connect Continually to Campaign Monitor

Simple, go to your Apps page, find Campaign Monitor then click on Connect, you will be redirected to an authorization page please enter your Campaign Monitor credentials and then Allow Access for Continually.

Then you will have to sync your first list, you have an option to sync all bots or a certain bot with options to sync all existing leads or add the leads in Campaign Monitor's automated workflows based on subscription date. 

How to sync leads to a second list

Go to your apps page, find the Campaign Monitor integration and click View preferences
Click on add another list then select which list you want to sync 
Then choose what bots you want to sync from.

Note: If you want to stop the syncing of a list, simply click on Deactivate list and it will stop syncing it without removing it.

How to sync more than one bot to a list

So you have added your list and see the option to sync all bots or specify a bot. But maybe you want more than one? Heres how to do it.

Go to your apps page, find the Campaign Monitor integration and click View preferences
Click on Add another list.
Select the list you want and choose to specify a bot.
Then save your changes.

You can repeat this step but select a different bot each time to sync more than one bot to your list.

Mapping your Continually fields to Campaign Monitor

You can set where each of your Continually fields maps to on your Campaign Monitor account.

Go to your apps page, find the Campaign Monitor integration and click  View preferences
Click on Field mapping
Select where each Continually field maps to

Note: Some fields are not able to be re-mapped. They are highlighted grey. You can select the syncing behavior for the @name field whether you want to update it when the Campaign Monitor field is empty or if you want to always sync it or never sync it.
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