Clearbit: Use your own Clearbit key to enrich leads data

Automatically enrich your leads data from Clearbit, add your own key to get enrichment data about your customers and their companies in real-time.

In this article we will cover:

How to connect Continually with Clearbit

Simply go to the Apps page, find the Clearbit integration and click on Connect.

Enter your Clearbit API key and click Connect account, to find your API Key sign in to Clearbit and click on API in the side navigation.

What data do we enrich and display

We enrich data about the lead and their company, for example, we get the job title, job rule, social media accounts for that lead, contact information, their location and their company info like its name, website, number of employees, the market cap, the annual revenue and how much they raised.

You will find all of this information on the lead's profile page, this is an example of the enriched data:

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